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Agendas and Minutes

Regular Council meetings are held once a month at the Civic Centre in our council chambers. They start at 6:00 pm precisely. Requests from delegations should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

To view Agendas and Minutes visit the Kapuskasing CivicWeb.


Accountability and Transparency

Kapuskasing's Council and committees are responsible for policy, representation, oversight, legislation, and budget management and must adhere to principles of integrity, transparency, accountability, respect and fairness.

Council Procedural By-Law

Council's Procedural By-Law (4383, as amended) governs the procedures of Council and its committees, including the calling of meeting the conduct of its members.

Code of Conduct

A written code of conduct helps ensure that Council and local board member agree on a common standard of acceptable conduct.

These standard are designed to provide a reference guide an a supplement to the legislative parameters with which the members must operate.  These standards shall enhance public confidence that elected officials and appointed representatives operate based on integrity, justice and courtesy.

Integrity Commissioner

Council has appointed Probity Municipal Consulting as the Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Kapuskasing.

The role of the Integrity Commissioner is to help ensure that Members perform their functions in accordance with the Code of Conduct and other procedures, rules or policies governing their ethical behaviour.  In addition, the Integrity Commissioner may, upon request of Council or a Member, provide advice and rulings on ethical challenges, issues and dilemmas.  The Integrity Commissioner is also responsible for investigating complaints and providing a report about their investigation to Council.

For further information respecting the Code of Conduct or submitting a complaint to the Integrity Commissioner, please contact the Clerk's Office at 705-337-4255 or email: 

Closed Meeting Investigator

The Ontario Ombudsman promotes fairness, accountability and transparency in the public sector by investigating public complaints and systemic issues within his/her jurisdiction.

The Ontario Ombudsman serves as Kapuskasing's Closed Meeting Investigator.  If you wish to file a complaint regarding a Closed Meeting of Council, you may contact the Ontario Ombudsman at:

Ombudsman Ontario - General Complaints:
Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario
483 Bay Street
10th Floor, South Tower
Toronto, ON M5G 2C9

You may also submit a complaint online at: Ombudsman Complaint Process 


Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Registry

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires Members of Council to declare any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in relation to a matter under consideration. A pecuniary interest relating to a matter is one where there is a reasonable likelihood or expectation of financial loss or gain by the Member or related persons as defined in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. The onus to declare a pecuniary interest rests with the member, and there is time dedicated for these declarations on every meeting agenda.

Changes to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act require municipalities to maintain a registry of all declarations made under this Act. The registry must include the original written declaration provided by the member of Council and must be available to the public. Effective January 2019, the Town of Kapuskasing has implemented this practice.

To view a paper copy of the forms submitted by Members of Council visit the Municipal Office at, 88 Riverside Drive, Kapuskasing during our regular hours of Monday to Friday.

Additional details can be obtained from the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990


Breton_Council Meeting 29April2024

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_CouncillorNewton

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_Mayor Plourde

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_Councillor Dinnissen

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_Councillor Breton

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_Councillor Newton

Mayor Plourde_Declaration of Pecuniary Interest_12Aug24

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest - Councillor Breton

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