In preparation for the 2026 municipal elections, we encourage everyone to ensure they are on the voters’ list and to verify their information.
It's quick and easy to verify your voter information!
The municipal voters list is different from provincial and federal lists. So, even if you received a voter's card for the recent federal and provincial elections, it doesn't automatically mean you will be on the municipal voters list, especially if your information has changed. For municipal elections the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation - MPAC is responsible for collecting the information of residents in Ontario, such as name, date of birth, citizenship and school support, in order to create a preliminary list of electors. Municipalities then use that preliminary list of electors to prepare their voters lists.
You or an agent may submit your views, in writing, to the Kapuskasing District Planning Board, Secretary Treasurer, Jon Beadow, no later than 3:00 p.m. on May 27, 2024.
TAKE NOTICE that a vacancy exists on the Town of Kapuskasing Council for one (1) Councillor Position. Council has determined that it wishes to fill this vacancy by appointment through a Direct Appointment of Election Candidate in accordance with the Town of Kapuskasing Council Vacancy Policy.
The term of this position is from the date of Council appointment, June 17, 2024 for the balance of the term of Council being November 14, 2026.
A candidate for municipal office must be a qualified municipal elector as set out in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Qualified electors must be:
• 18 years of age or older;
• a Canadian citizen;
• a resident of the Town of Kapuskasing, or an owner or tenant of land in the Township or the spouse of such an owner or tenant; and
• not prohibited from voting under any other Act or disqualified from holding municipal office.
Council shall fill the vacancy by appointing the Candidate who ran for the position that is vacant from the most current Election who received the most votes but was not elected during the 2022 Municipal Elections.
Candidates must complete a Council Vacancy Application Form, and a Declaration of Qualification Form with the Clerk’s Office.
Candidates should also refer to the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 for further details relating to the required qualifications.
For further information or to complete a Council Vacancy Application Form and a Declaration of Qualification, please contact:
Chantal Guillemette, Municipal Clerk
Town of Kapuskasing
88 Riverside Drive, Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1B3
T: (705) 337-4252
Starting May 6, residents are encouraged to place used trash items such as furniture, small household items, television sets, electronics, bicycles, etc. at the roadside.
Residents with white goods (ex: large appliances) for disposal MUST first contact the Public Works Department at 705-337-4468 to schedule pick-up.
No tires, demolition or construction materials will be picked up.
SPECIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION WEEK: Monday, May 13 to Friday, May 17, 2024
The Spring Garbage Collection will occur on your regular garbage collection day.
Please note that Corporation vehicles will not enter areas where there are no travelled lanes, nor will they enter upon private property for the purpose of collecting rubbish and debris.
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